Count on Dr. O


Rachelle Gooden

Hello, I’m Dr. O!

Won’t you come count with me?


One local hero with a white coat for a cape
Zooming through Toronto stomping out Black hate

Two eyes seeking justice, hope, and peace
Two arms, two legs fighting for equality

Three decades standing up against bias
Kicking down barriers and building alliance

Four hugs each night, from those who love her so
Their touch provide comfort when the day takes its toll

Five different degrees from universities of high esteem
Six victories or more, goals, awards, and dreams

Seven years studying science and medicine
Becoming a doctor was just the beginning

Eight Black students following in her footsteps, learning,
Interning, yearning, and growing

Nine courses taught as an Associate Professor
She’s a teacher, leader, and a true believer

Ten times more stories to be told
Ten times more voices to be bold


Say it with me now!

One heart marching to your own beat
Swing those arms, lift your feet

Two steps more, let’s go onward
Now you’ve got it, moving forward

Three more friends to bring along
Skip, hop, and sing your song

Four years in high school, let’s go, hooray!
Grab your backpack, don’t delay

Five crayons, red, green, brown, black, and blue
There is nothing you can’t do!

Six years of study if you want more
You can do it, you will soar!

Seven rulers, pencils, papers, and pens
Go to school, with all your friends

Eight libraries open all year round
Work quietly there, without a sound

Nine thousand Aunties supporting you
Uncles from our community too!

Ten dreams, ten goals, there is no end
Set up more, and do it again!

About the author

Rachelle is an experienced librarian, writer, and humanitarian. She holds an honour’s degree in English from York University and a master’s degree in Information Studies at the University of Toronto. Rachelle’s librarianship spans almost two decades and includes several leadership roles and assignments including Special Collections Selector for the Rita Cox Black and Caribbean Heritage Collection. In her current position as a Senior Services Specialist, Equity and Inclusion, she continues to work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society.

Rachelle’s volunteer work includes designing and helping to establish an elementary school library in Ghana and teaching basic bookkeeping to women in a remote village. She is a lover of books, travel, and life. In her spare time, Rachelle enjoys relaxing with family and friends, baking, and working on her own writing projects, including her first two picture books, Winnie and the Magic Masks and Count on Dr. O. Rachelle lives in Whitby, Ontario with her husband and two children.


Strong Women, Strong Communities Copyright © 2023 by Rachelle Gooden. All Rights Reserved.

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